CRM and De-duplication of Business Lists (CCV)

Business lists and traditional B2B (business to business) communication present specific issues and problems for clients to de-duplicate their multiple lists. Transitions in agents, sales representatives, overlapping geographic territories and the natural deterioration of in-house client files make the review and rationalization of business lists very important. Even though a business customer may not physically move to a new business location, changes in the customer’s or prospects’ staff necessitate the need that the key decision makers are receiving the client’s collateral materials and mailings.

Nothing confuses a customer more than multiple and conflicting sales messages from two or more agents representing the same service. Similar to some elements in consumer list hygiene, business lists contain individual decision maker’s surname and first name and salutation as well as additional information such as title, department, floor and divisional identifiers. Our methods truncate and cleanse and harmonize the client’s business lists. In addition your customer’s Root Company Name or Unique Enterprise service as described below could be very beneficial.

Perhaps the most frustrating but financially rewarding for our clients is the data-mining and identifying of unique enterprises. Common Customer View (CCV) uses de-duplication methods to filter different variances in corporate or brand names to identify unique single enterprises in our clients’ files. Some customers cannot be identified with simple alphabetical or postal code sorting and it takes systematic company name hygiene and filtering methods to link common customer locations or accounts together. In particular where different divisions or different sales territories have records for the same company, these overlaps can be identified and an unique corporate enterprise identifier can be appended to the customer’s record. This enhances the client’s communication and analysis of a customer since all revenues to a common enterprise can be clearly recognized. Not only improving sales force accountability, coverage and compensation analysis, the overall relationship with a customer unique site can be highlighted.

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