
Consumer Lists De-Duplication and List Hygienne

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The shear volume of residential and consumer prospect and customer lists make them very expensive to communicate to. It is essential to have an accurate and reliable means to ensure your collateral materials and brochures and other printed documents reach the intended customer or prospect without waste of over production of printed documents.

Our de-duplication methods determine unique households. Using the client’s customer or prospect files as a base, we assign unique identifiers to each record and merge and purge out duplicate records. Where multiple records occur for a specific individual household, the merging of the best customer or prospect data survives to improve the mailing addressing quality.


In addition VIP customers or VIP prospects’ mailing materials can be cosmetically “key coded”. This ensures when an order is faxed or a business postage reply is returned your order desk personnel recognize the importance of the new order and can identify exactly when your offer was originally sent to the prospective customer.

In addition a standardization of salutations (Mr. Mrs. Ms. etc) can greatly enhance the data entry quality of the customer’s personal information. This will avoid repetitive embarrassing & frustrating typos on customer’s names and addresses. Key customers and key prospects can be key coded or flagged for the client so that valuable and profitable customers and prospects receive the most appropriate quantity of communications and mailings from the client.


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